

Presale: https://goout.net/cs/listky/big-brave+aicher/nytw/
Entrance fee at the door: 400Kč
Kanadské trio BIG|BRAVE redefinuje, co znamená ‘heavy’ ve službách minimalismu nebo naopak. Zvuk na jejich poslední desce A Chaos of Flowers (2023, Thrill Jockey) rozkvetl jako květiny v názvu i na obalu a díky vychytaným aranžím cílí a trefuje se přímo do nejniternějších emocí. Na společné turné s BIG|BRAVE vyráží na jejich výslovné přání AICHER, což je sólový projekt kodaňského hudebníka Liama Andrewse. Andrews mimo jiné spojil síly Borisem Wilsdorfem (Einstürzende Neubauten) a Karlem O’Connorem (Regis/CUB) v pojektu EROS. Co je nejlepší lék na nekonečné severské zimy? Přece neprostupná zvuková stěna AICHER!
BIG|BRAVE achieve their colossal sound through minimalist approaches, a deft understanding of dynamics and an inventive employment of percussion and distortion. The trio reconceptualize what it is to be heavy or minimal, challenging perceptions with their illumination of painfully overlooked perspectives. BIG|BRAVE’s sound on A Chaos of Flowers has blossomed, harnessing potent emotions with their unparalleled arrangements and intricate economies of space. It is an album as moving as it is awe-inspiring. AICHER is the latest project of København-based musician Liam Andrews, who is going on a joint European tour with BIG|BRAVE. Working within the atonal and monochromatic aesthetics he’s drawn to, the inclusion of place and the environmental influence of the bleak Scandinavian winters prove to be the perfect antidote. Eerie hollows of wind, solitude and the crushing of ice underfoot place the soundscape of the north into the brutalist path he is known for.

FB EVENT: https://www.facebook.com/events/734085468816711?active_tab=about